If Santa Fell Off Your Roof, Would You Be Covered?

For most the holidays are a time of hurried shopping, long lines at the grocery store, and the annual dusting of the dining room chairs. When you do get a chance to sit down at the end of the day…
For most the holidays are a time of hurried shopping, long lines at the grocery store, and the annual dusting of the dining room chairs. When you do get a chance to sit down at the end of the day…
My lender told me I need an Insurance Binder… what is it?!? An insurance binder is simply a legal document stating that insurance coverage is in place. This is serves a temporary, (typically 30 days) proof of coverage until the…
Personal Property Coverage & How to Take Inventory of Your Belongings It’s likely that some of your personal property, or contents, can be damaged as part of a Homeowner claim. Personal property is defined as movable property, belongings exclusive of land…
Simple definitions of common insurance terms Personal Injury Provides coverage for OTHER THAN bodily injury or property damage. This includes false arrest, detention, or imprisonment; malicious prosecution; wrongful eviction; slander; libel; and invasion of privacy. In today’s online world,…
The minimum state requirement for Part 4 Property Damage Coverage on a Massachusetts Auto Policy is $5,000. What does $5,000 cover today? Not much. Imagine you are driving along and veer out of your lane. You take out someone’s mailbox…
Kayak Insurance: What you need to know Whеn уоu’rе flоаtіng оn thе wаtеr іn a kауаk, tаkіng іn thе ѕun аnd еnjоуіng thе ѕummеr, іt’ѕ еаѕу tо lеаvе аll уоur wоrrіеѕ bеhіnd. But ассіdеntѕ can and do ѕtіll hарреn—аnd thеу…
Did you know that New England sits on a web of fault lines? Do YOU need Earthquake Insurance? Specifically, Massachusetts has had 400+ recorded earthquakes! Most earthquakes in Massachusetts have not been strong enough to cause damage, but that does…
“But I didn’t have any accidents!” “But my car is another year older!” These are common misconceptions why, we as consumers, expect to see decreases in our insurance rates every year. Unfortunately…this is not always how insurance policies work.…
April Showers… Umbrella Coverage…Get it?! We insurance agents love to talk about Umbrella insurance coverage in April. It just makes sense. We find the ability to play off of this phrase humorous in our right. (Please forgive us.) No matter…
As the snow melts away and the bright sun exposes what’s underneath… You may notice that there are some areas of your home that took a beating during these long winter months. Has the thought crossed your mind to call…